4 Year Old Program
- Morning Welcome
- Free Play including creative block building, a wide and often changed choice of toys, available learning tools & toys.
- Individual or small group learning activities geared for individual needs, growth, and success.
- Group discussion of what was done during free play, allowing self expression.
- Rest
- Snack Time
- Circle time—calendar, show-n-tell, singing, stories, creative dramatics, rhythm and rhyme, and group learning experiences.
- Gross motor play- outdoor play or indoor skill station
Flexible Routine Includes:
- Creative Art: easel painting, finger-painting, clay, crayons, puppetry, collage, & crafts.
Science Experiments: plant growth, observing animals, magnets, properties of air, cooking.
- Language Arts: show & tell, storytelling, creative dramatics, role playing, poetry, library, educational and age appropriate videos.
- Physical Education: development of individual skills and exercise of large muscles using indoor and outdoor equipment, simple dance and games.
- Musical Experience: songs, chants, rhythms, simple instruments, dances and records.
- Math & Alphabet: awareness through play and activities appropriate for individual skills and needs.